Friday, July 26, 2024

AME Structural Investigations

Applied Materials & Engineering, Inc.'s capabilities include consultation, investigation, forensic analysis, determination of material failure causes and assessments of as-built construction details for both historic and new buildings. Our multi-disciplined staff of structural, metallurgical, and materials engineers identify and classify actual site conditions and then evaluate potential risks and ramifications. After completion of the investigation phase, our staff can make recommendations for repairs as well as prepare construction specifications in conjunction with contract documents.

Consultation services for failure investigation of construction materials including wood, concrete, steel and masonry; building envelope materials investigation and testing of EIFS, stucco, wood siding, deck coatings, epoxy resins, sealants, paints and acrylic wall coatings.

Expert witness testimony for:

  • Structural materials used in construction, performance of materials and workmanship
  • Water-tightness and intrusion aspects of construction
  • Compliance with codes and construction industry standards of care
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